About Us

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Mission and Vision

Main aims of the Società Italiana di Biochimica e Biologia Molecolare (SIB, Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) are the promotion of Research and Education in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Italy (with particular attention to their molecular applications in Medicine, Nutrition, Environment, Industry), the dissemination of scientific results to a non-specialist public, the advancement of scientific collaborations among Italian laboratories and with foreign institutions. SIB is fostering the growth and diffusion of biochemistry and molecular biology by organizing meetings, workshops and courses, and by providing fellowships and awards to young investigators.


Find out how the history of our association has evolved


28th June

The birth of SIB

SIB was established on 28th June 1951 with the former name of Italian Society of Biological Chemistry


28th June


Non-profit Association

It has been recognized as a non-profit Association since 1993



New name

In 1999 the Society’s name was changed to Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SIB)


Board members

Directive Coucil (2023 - 2024)

Prof. Paola Chiarugi – Università di Firenze (President)

Prof. Andrea Bellelli – Univesità di Roma La Sapienza (Vice President)

Prof. Martino Bolognesi – Università di Milano Statale (Past President)

Prof. Italia Di Liegro – Università di Palermo

Prof. Stefania Iametti – Università di Milano Statale (Treasurer)

Prof. Cesare Indiveri – Università della Calabria

Prof. Mauro Maccarrone – Università de L’Aquila (Secretary)

Prof. Pier Luigi Martelli – Università di Bologna

Prof. Claudia Martini – Università di Pisa

Prof. Marco Moracci – Università di Napoli Federico II°

Prof. Marina Porcelli – Università della Campania Vanvitelli

Prof. Menico Rizzi – Università del Piemonte Orientale

Prof. Silvio Tosatto – Università di Padova

Collegio dei Revisori dei Conti – (2021 - 2024)

Prof. Daniele Condorelli – Università di Catania

Prof. Antonio Lucacchini – già Università di Pisa

Prof. Francesco Bonomi – Università degli studi di Milano


Collegio dei Probiviri (2021 - 2024)

Prof. Lilia Alberghina – Università di Milano Bicocca

Prof. Alberto Di Donato – Università di Napoli Federico II

Prof. Laura Mazzanti – Università Politecnica delle Marche

Statute and Regulations

The Statute and general by laws governing the Society, approved by the members and General Assembly

the Regulations governing the activities of SIB components, approved by the SIB Board

The Regulations of SIB Awards

& network

Discover SIB's world, Groups and Sections

The Italian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SIB) gathers researchers in the field of biochemical sciences from all over the Country. SIB is structured through Scientific Groups, Regional Sections, the Junior Section, the annual Congress, Workshop and other initiatives that dynamically promote the diffusion and practice of molecular approaches to Life Sciences.

SIB Groups

SIB Sections

SIB Young