New SIB Directive Council for 2023-2024

Home News New SIB Directive Council for 2023-2024

As of December 31, 2022, the SIB 2021-2022 Directive Council mandate came to its end. Members of the Council had been: Martino Bolognesi (President), Paola Chiarugi (vice-President), Francesca Cutruzzolà*, Rino Capitanio*, Italia DiLiegro, Silvana Hrelia*, Gianfranco Gilardi*, Mauro Maccarrone, Eugenio Monti*, Marina Porcelli, Raffaele Porta*, Annalisa Santucci*, Silvio Tosatto. As per the SIB Statute, this year seven members of the former Council rotate out (indicated with stars in the previous list), together with the rotation of the past-presidents (Porta-Bolognesi). A particular thank is due to Francesca Cutruzzolà for the intensive secretariat activities held over four years, and to Eugenio Monti who took care of the SIB economic balance for the same period.

Elections of the New Council, held in the period 15-30 November 2022, saw the participation of about 69% of SIB members, and selected as new Council members the colleagues: Andrea Bellelli (Università di Roma La Sapienza), Stefania Iametti (Università di Milano Statale), Cesare Indiveri (Università della Calabria, Arcavacata di Rende), Pier Luigi Martelli (Università di Bologna), Claudia Martini (Università di Pisa), Marco Moracci (Università di Napoli Federico II°), Menico Rizzi (Università del Piemonte Orientale, Novara).

In the Council meeting of January 12, 2023, Prof. Paola Chiarugi (Università di Firenze) was elected as SIB President for the biennium 2023-2024, and Prof. Andrea Bellelli was elected vice-president. Prof. Mauro Maccarrone was nominated SIB Secretary, and Prof Stefania Iametti was nominated Treasurer. Additional managing tasks have been assigned to all members of the new SIB Directive Council.

SIB Bursaries

A limited number of bursaries to support Young SIB Members attending the Congress will be available. The call and application forms will soon be published.

