From basic understanding of cell networks to their modulation and engineering for health and industrial applications

Home News From basic understanding of cell networks to their modulation and engineering for health and industrial applications



Sono aperte le iscrizioni al convegno  congiunto dei tre gruppi SIB



From basic understanding of cell networks to their modulation and engineering for health and industrial applications


Il convegno si tiene a Napoli dal 18 al 19 maggio. 


Al seguente link potrete iscrivervi, trovare il format per la sottomissione degli abstract e scaricare la locandina dell’evento che trovate anche in allegato a questa mail.


Registration is open – deadline 2nd May 2023

Abstract submission is open –  deadline 23th April 2023


Opening lecture: Luis Serrano (CRG, Barcellona)


Sessions:         1) Proteins and molecules driven cell networks


                        2) Key enzymes in regulation and design of cell function


                        3) Exploiting biological functions for biotechnology (and beyond)


                        4) Advanced biological models for “bio-health”


                        5) New tools to study molecules,  structures, interactions and network properties


Sono previste anche oral presentation da 10 minuti che verranno selezionate tra gli abstract inviati. Il risultato della selezione sarà reso noto entro l’8 maggio.

 A breve sarà disponibile sul sito il programma definitivo dell’evento


SIB Bursaries

A limited number of bursaries to support Young SIB Members attending the Congress will be available. The call and application forms will soon be published.
